How Structured Water Affects Pets & Making Structured Water At Home

Structured water is naturally attractive to pets and farm animals. When given the option, they usually choose structured water over unstructured water.
How Structured Water Affects Pets & Making Structured Water At Home
This article will detail what structured water is, how it affects pets, and how easy it is to supply a home with structured water.
What Is Structured Water? Structured water is water as it appears in nature. Due to the "dance" water does along the way, if you pour a gallon of water in a mountain stream at the top of a mountain and then collect it at the bottom, the water is structured.
The balance of structured water is key. Structured Water is primarily composed of life force energy, and this life force energy comes directly from the water molecule itself.
Hydrogen bonds attract or loosely bind together water molecules. Water in bulk or "regular" form, including tap water and bottled water, is in clusters of up to 10,000 molecules. Structured water consists of clusters of about six molecules per cluster. Hydrogen bonds within the cluster are reshaped as a result of the structure. These small clusters allow the water to have less surface tension, thus allowing it to be more easily absorbed and hydration to be improved. The water is also oxygenated as a result of these small clusters.
How Structured Water Affects Pets?
Studies have been shown to support the benefits of structured water for pets and livestock. Animals drinking structured water were shown to have increased immune support, reproduction growth, and fewer adverse effects than those given tap or non-filtered water. Structured water has a lower surface tension, so cells are able to take up nutrients and eliminate waste and toxins more easily. Commonly, some pets (like cats) can detect contaminants in water, such as chlorine, and may not drink as much. Structured water ensures pets are able to tolerate clean water and ingest more water than normal in comparison to tap water.
Animals naturally gravitate to structured water as they can sense the purity and will consistently choose it over bottled water, and especially tap water.
How To Get Structured Water At Home?
Getting a supply of structured water in the home is simple. The entire household will benefit from using the Aquanity Aqualizer water filter.
With no tools or plumbers needed, this handy filter is easy to install with no skills necessary. With no chemicals being added to your water supply, you can have better tasting, structured water within days. For the eco-conscious, using our Aqualizer will reduce plastic consumption as the need for bottled water is eliminated, as well as contaminants from the water system itself.
With a money-back guarantee, there is nothing to lose and everything to gain from structured water. Contact Us with any questions about bringing structured water into your home.

Aquanity Aqualizer
Communicate with your water
Solution for hard water
Reduce limescale
Forget about water aftertaste
Inexpensive compared to all filtering options
Only 3 seconds installation