Agriculture is the world's largest sink for freshwater. As a result, water conservation on farms is critical for long-term sustainability and dealing with climate change effects such as droughts. The greatest technique to alleviate water stress is to use structured water, which has been studied using Raman spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy to examine the structure of water. In addition, there is a range of approaches to alter the structure of water without affecting composition.

Structured water, unlike the fluids utilized in many agricultural applications,
- Does not contain energy contaminants
- Brings high oxygenation states forward.
- It boosts your energy levels.
- Controls and balances the mineral content of the soil.
It was about a century ago that the first look at the structure of water took place. The tetrahedral modeling of hydrogen bonds was first proposed via X-Ray Analysis in 1938, and it was met with almost eighty years of skepticism. Prof. Gerald Pollack of the University of Washington, who coined the term "fourth phase of water," is a true pioneer in the field of structured water. This is what he refers to as the fourth phase of water, also known as structured water. In the end, increased hydration of cell walls may result in increased yield in plants. As a result, structured water has a lot of applications in agriculture. Water molecules are arranged in a molecular structure called structured water. When water is near hydrophilic (water-loving) surfaces, it forms a molecular arrangement of water molecules known as structured water. Water molecules form hexagonally organized single layer sheets, similar to ice. Protons are expelled into the adjacent water as the hexagonal layers expand.
Properties of Structured water
- It prevents the deposition/incrustation of dissolved compounds; the mechanism is unknown, but it is effective in preventing incrustation and choking in boilers and connecting pipes.
- The meniscus is slightly concave.
- It has low surface tension and high wetting ability.
- Its pH is slightly higher than 7, allowing it to be absorbed into human fluids.
- It counteracts the acidic action of chlorine.
- Structured water helps to break up water clumps and strengthen hydrogen bonds.
Benefits of structured water in the field of Agriculture
- The soil's health will increase, and it will be better suited to sustain plant development.
- Plant nutrition will be delivered more efficiently by the soil.
- Plants will improve their ability to absorb nutrients from the soil.
- The water holding capacity of the soil will rise, and the amount of water required for irrigation will gradually decrease (20-50 percent) after 1-3 months, providing both economic and environmental benefits.
- Crops will be healthier and fresher for a longer period.
- The stems of flowers and plants will thicken and get stronger, sometimes doubling in size and strength.
- Crop quality and quantity will significantly improve.
- Leaves and flowers will have more bright colors, and trees will grow faster and stronger as a result of the structured water.
Structured water Increase plant growth:
The structured water is increased crop yield e.g. winter wheat (28 %), corn (17 %), cucumber (32 %), and tomato (32 %). The effect of using structured water during higher temperatures (340C) has a significant impact on the speed of germination (83.18) against natural water (75.93). Fresh seeds at 28 0C when structured water was used have recorded a higher first count (61 %) followed by 340C (61 %). Seeds treated with structured water have recorded higher germination percent (89 %) compared to normal water (86%). Fresh seed lots treated with structured water maintained at 28 0C has recorded a higher germination percent of 97 on par with old seed lot at 28 0C (96%). Similarly, a seedling length of 13.31 cm was recorded in structured water compared to normal water (12.81 cm). The structured water enhances the performance of aged seeds under heat stress in tomatoes.
Winter wheat yields grew by 28%, corn yields increased by 17%, cucumber yields increased by 32%, and tomato yields increased by 32%. (32 percent ). When compared to natural water, employing structured water at a higher temperature (340C) has a substantial impact on germination speed (83.18). (75.93). Fresh seeds at 28°C with structured water produced a greater initial count (61%) than seeds at 340°C (61 percent ). Seeds treated with structured water had a greater germination rate (89%) than seeds treated with regular water (86 percent ). Fresh seed lots treated with structured water and kept at 28 0C had a germination rate of 97 percent, which was comparable to an old seed lot kept at 28 0C. (96 percent ).
Plant height, vegetative weight, root weight, total floral biomass, and total microbial count all increased significantly in all plants treated with structured water. There was also a large decrease in lavender, the number of plants dried in structured water treatment, and a slight but not significant increase in rosemary. Plant growth is aided by structured water, especially in the case of lavender and rosemary. Plant height, vegetative and root biomass, total flower weight, and the number of dried plants all increased, whereas the number of dried plants decreased significantly.
The rise in the number of helpful microorganisms in the substrate of the theses treated with structured water, which are likely supporters of improved plant growth, is also quite noteworthy. Plants' biotic and abiotic stress resistance may be influenced by the presence of microorganisms in the substrate. As a result, these features become quite attractive for the grower, who can employ different approaches to reduce the consumption of water and fertilizers while increasing the quality of the plants.
Significance with less water:
The subject of 'how to grow food with less water is possibly the most fundamental in scientific research into sustainability. Traditional water conservation measures, such as drip irrigation, have been studied and practiced for many years. However, comprehending alternative methods requires far more and urgent attention than is now being given. Water structuring into crystalline patterns, often known as the fourth phase of water or structured water, is one such way. The use of structured water for plants in agriculture needs to be much better understood. Water efficiency technologies hold a lot of promise for agricultural water conservation. Drip irrigation is very effective in irrigated agriculture, particularly on dry soils, and should be used whenever possible. Drip demonstrates that developing and mainstreaming technology takes time and diligence. With the repeated trial, the paradigm for drip irrigation altered, and it is today a widely accepted practice for using water more efficiently in agriculture. Drip irrigation has been utilized commercially in Israel since 1960, with formal patents. The time has come to learn more about structured water, particularly in the context of large-scale agriculture.
Water scarcity is a major issue in the twenty-first century. Farmers all across the world are struggling, and water management is intimately related to food security. As a result, one of the most crucial criteria for long-term sustainability is water conservation. This necessitates the use of appropriate technologies. The findings of this research point to a bright future for structured water in agriculture. In addition, we must reform agriculture by switching from water-intensive to water-efficient crops, reform our water markets, reduce water waste, and reassess the use of cereal grains for biofuel and livestock.
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