How Does Water Affect Our Bodies?
Water is one of the most miraculous substances on our planet. We can see it in solid (snow, ice), liquid (rivers, seas) and gas (aqueous vapor in the atmosphere) states. Water is the source of all life on Earth – is the main element of all biological processes. The life-sustaining activity of our cells, all the processes taking place inside, are impossible without the contribution of water.
The human adult body is made up of 70% of water, and some cells of the body, such as human brain cells, contain more than 90% water (bound, intracellular). Therefore, the quality and quantity of water we consume directly affects the state of our bodies and health. Scientists attribute most diseases to a lack or poor water constitution. According to the World Health Organization, up to 80% of human health problems are related to the quality of the water we drink. Thus, the benefits of water for the human body and for our entire world seem to be enormous.

Why Is Water So Vital?
Fluid intake is essential for most physiological processes. With a water deficit of only 10%, the intensity of excretion of metabolic products from the body decreases, leading to its toxification. Prolonged dehydration disturbs nervous system functions, leads to change in mental states, inhibits essential life processes in the body, and in extreme cases can cause seizures and coma. Without water, a person can live no more than 5-7 days. When the body lacks water, fluids are taken from reserves, and then directly from the cells. Since cells are living organisms, they begin to defend themselves. Human cells produce energy, 70% of which is spent on their own life support. With insufficient water, cells lose their strength, which leads to a deterioration in the health of the whole body.
Dehydration also negatively affects brain function: clinical trials have shown that water deficiency impairs the functioning of short-term memory and reduces the ability to concentrate. This is mainly due to either an insufficient amount of daily water intake, or the fact that our body is constantly receiving drinks like tea, coffee, fizzy drinks, etc. rather than pure drinking water.
Water deficiency leads to dehydration of body tissues as well – blood becomes thicker, which increases the risk of stroke and heart disease. Water provides “transport” for blood cells and is also the main solvent of substances, primarily oxygen. When we replace the need for pure drinking water with other beverages, we dull the natural feeling of thirst, feel falsely satiated, and are in a way starving our body of what it actually needs for optimal survival.
When our bodies suffer from a lack of water they cannot function properly. Many sugar-containing drinks cause the body to actually lose water, as it takes even more liquid to absorb sugar than it does in the drink itself. Both caffeine and alcohol are diuretics that also actually dehydrate the body.No other drink purifies or benefits the body like pure water. It is required for all chemical processes that support our bodies, is the best way to restore the balance we need and when our bodies suffer from a lack of water they cannot function properly. Many sugar-containing drinks cause the body to actually lose water, as it takes even more liquid to absorb sugar than it does in the drink itself. Both caffeine and alcohol are diuretics that also actually dehydrate the body.No other drink purifies or benefits the body like pure water. It is required for all chemical processes that support our bodies, is the best way to restore the balance we need and ensures the body’s efficient operation.
Top 13 Reasons To Drink Water
Water plays an active role in many vital processes and benefits the body:
1. Rejuvenates Your Skin
A strong lack of moisture accelerates skin aging: it provokes dryness, loss of elasticity and itching – who would willingly want this? 10% of the moisture we consume comes out through the pores of our skin. The better the quality of the water you drink, the less harmful impurities enter the body, which is beneficial for the skin. It is proven that healthy daily water intake exercises a salutary influence over skin cells, preventing dryness – the water nourishes the skin from the inside.
2. Flushes All The Toxins Out
Scientists believe that the required amount of pure water consumed by a person provides for normal kidney function. As you know, the kidneys are a natural filter of the body, and water helps to eliminate toxins from the gastrointestinal tract, and to a greater extent through the kidneys.
3. Reduces The Risk Of Heart Attack And Stroke
Water deficit in the human body leads to the formation of blood clots. This, in turn, can cause a heart attack and stroke. Cardiac specialists claim that five glasses of pure water drunk throughout the day can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by up to 70%!
4. Natural Joint Lubricant
Muscle and joint pains are increasingly causing discomfort even to the younger generation. Often the reason is just the lack of fluid which provokes friction between the bones and leads to muscle spasms, cramps and sprains. When you do sports, a deficiency in water will not only lead to a decrease in training results, but also causes drowsiness, lethargy and increases risk of injury. Water is the natural lubricant material that keeps joints and muscles elastic.
5. Boosts Your Energy
Just imagine that we lose about ten (!) cups of liquid during the day when breathing, sweating and urinating. Almost all metabolic processes in the human body, which include energy production in cells, are greatly slowed down if there is not enough fluid in it. Staying hydrated is crucial and makes us energetic and powerful.

6. Digestive Aid
Water is simply essential for normal digestion. It not only prevents constipation, but also supports the removal of the “waste” of the body. In addition, it participates in all chemical processes of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), helping to deliver nutrients to the body and remove the old ones.
7. Prevents Respiratory Infection
If you do not provide the body with fluid, this leads to disruptions in the functioning of the immune system. A decrease in immunity brings about frequent colds, we get sick more often and our tolerance against infectious diseases is reduced. Water also helps the body absorb vitamins, micronutrients and nutrients from food, which increases immunity and your chances to resist various infections.
8. Speeds Up Metabolism
Drinking water activates your metabolism. Increased metabolism is associated with a positive effect on energy levels. Studies found out that consuming 500 cc of water boosted metabolic rates by 30 % for both men and women. These effects lasted more than an hour.
9. Suppresses Appetite
Most people cannot distinguish feelings of thirst from hunger. They appear almost the same. When such symptoms occur, we think that we are hungry and start eating. The point is that we do not need food, but liquid to restore water balance. If you regularly consume the right amount of water, the feeling of hunger will manifest itself much less often.
10. Helps To Grow Thin
It is known that energy balance has a strong influence on the weight gain or loss. If the energy expenditure is greater than the energy intake, body weight starts to go down. Drinking slightly cold revitalized water, with temperature not exceeding 22 degrees, leads to a negative energy balance since the body expends energy on heating the incoming fluid. According to the researchers, every two cups or 500 cc of water you drink help to burn about 50 calories!
11. Improves Blood Oxygen Circulation
Most people cannot distinguish feelings of thirst from hunger. They appear And it is true. The more calories burned off, the more water is needed, since Water carries beneficial nutrients and oxygen for the whole body. Due to a lack of fluid, human blood becomes more viscous. A decrease in plasma volume leads to increased blood circulation and an accelerated pulse rhythm. Adequate daily water intake will improve your blood circulation, which positively affects your well-being.
12. Good For Mental Capacity
Most people cannot distinguish feelings of thirst from hunger. They appear The amount of fluid consumed is a key factor for active brain function, it mainly affects concentration and short-term memory. Employees of the University of East London found that people who drank half a liter of water before solving complex mental problems have a brain that works 14% faster than those who did not.
13. Makes Your Day
Our emotional state is the result of a physical attitude. The slightest loss of moisture by the body can lead to mood swings and confusion in thoughts. The reason for irritability and grumpiness often lies in the fact that we simply need to drink, meanwhile positive emotions are being destroyed. Just drink some water to reduce stress and feel happy again!

How Much Should You Drink?
Every day our body loses at least ten cups of water. Statistically we get about 20% of recommended water intake from food (2-4 cups). An average person needs to drink 6-7 cups, or about 2 liters per day. In order to determine the required volume of fluid more accurately, it is necessary to give consideration to such factors as current health status, body constitution, physical activity level, climate, weather conditions, etc.
To ensure sufficient water consumption you should take the following recommendations on board:
- When it’s hot, increase the amount of water by 1.5 – 2 cups, also don’t forget to drink water before going outside;
- Drink more liquid if you are overweight (at the rate of 1 cup for every 20 kg of excess weight);
- Boost the daily water intake during cold seasons when heating is required, at low humidity, in stuffy rooms and airplanes;
- Drink more when you have fever, cold, acute respiratory distress syndrome, etc.
- Active weight loss requires the consumption of larger volumes of fluid;
- Drink more when you increase protein in your diet;
- More water is required for pregnant and lactating women;
- Drink about 500 cc of water two hours before training, 200 cc every 10 minutes while training at the gym, 250 cc after the workout;
- Have a сup of water after waking from sleep – it helps to cleanse the body and prepare it for further work;
- Drink when you are thirsty, don’t wait;
- Drink slightly chilled water – it is better absorbed by the body;
- Make a habit of drinking a cup of water half an hour before every meal. You will replenish the lost supply of fluid, improve the digestion process and help your body lose weight.
Furthermore, our body needs high-quality water rather than substitutes like flavored and sugar-sweetened beverages. Such drinks contain a large amount of sugar, dyes, preservatives, flavors and carbon dioxide, which irritate the gastric mucosa and, as a result, lead to gastroenterological disease. Calcium is washed out that increases the fragility of bones and the chemical additives load the liver and kidneys. High energy value of these drinks is the cause of weight gain. In short, nothing but essential drawbacks! The quality of water consumed is very important. The assimilation of a clean fluid, devoid of harmful impurities only benefits the body making metabolic, regenerative processes faster and easier.

The role of water in our life is really huge and it is difficult to overestimate. With Aquanity you create the conditions for maintaining the priceless water balance and organizing your time for drinking properly. The regular use of revitalized water will give you vitality, improve your mood and work efficiency – you will simply feel and look better. Water is one of the easiest and most natural ways to stay active and healthy.